Better living through better transit.
Service Planning
Service planning for rural and urban areas raises unique challenges to providing quality service to diverse populations.

Urban and Rural Transit Service Planning
This interactive workshop covers several aspects of transit planning for urban and rural transit entities—including agencies that are tourist destinations, as well as tribal nations.
During the workshop, there will be ample opportunity for group information sharing as well as time for questions and answers specific to an agency’s situation. This training also covers the criteria required by the FTA for funding of service and operations, Title VI considerations, and ADA considerations.
Training objectives include:
Plans for service monitoring, performance evaluation, and measurement.
Evaluating your system’s effectiveness and efficiency.
Service design and schedule considerations, including designing for equity.
Learning about data collection, route analysis, the implementation of route changes, and how to develop new routes.

Impacts of Decennial Census Designations and the Changes to Urbanized Areas
Population projections are integral to planning for any area. Projections may be made at all levels—including state, region, county, and city—with the latter typically made on a ten-year horizon. The FTA uses U.S. decennial census to determine rural and urbanized area (UZA) designations, which are then used to help determine transit funding apportionments throughout the nation. This workshop discusses the history and use of the census projections to determine rural and urbanized areas and will guide participants through making projections in their own regions. The workshop also covers what happens after census areas are designated and how regions can make the transition between rural and small urban, and small urban to large urban.
Through this workshop, participants will learn:
How the U.S. Census Bureau makes regional designations.
National examples of how regions have historically changed/grown/retracted based on census data.
Planning for urbanized area changes in your region.
Considerations for regional transitions (from rural to urban, etc.).
Preparation for future decennial census counts.