Better living through better transit.
Mobility Management and Coordination
Successful mobility management is a balancing act between system resources and a community's needs and wants.

Mobility Management 101
Effective mobility management requires coordination and cooperation among a host of public and private entities dedicated to providing comprehensive and affordable service that all users can easily access and utilize. Transit agencies and planning organizations look to mobility management as a resource to further coordination efforts in their respective regions. This course covers the basics around whether mobility management is appropriate to implement for an attendees’ respective region(s). It discuss governance and funding structures for mobility management, reviews national programs in mobility management, and outlines how to develop a community vision for what mobility management could look like in your region.
Course outcomes include:
Understanding what mobility management is (and what it isn’t).
Funding streams available for the development of a mobility management program.
Increased understanding of agency participation in mobility management, and where mobility managers can be “housed”.
Learning the steps to developing a vision and goals for mobility management.
Crafting the steps to building a mobility management program in your community/region.
Advanced Mobility Management
A follow up to Mobility Management 101, this course is designed for mobility managers and agencies who are implementing mobility management programs, and details how to develop policies and procedures for mobility management programs, including a comprehensive review of the “tools” available in the mobility manager’s toolkit. Building on the funding streams discussion from the first workshop, attendees have the opportunity to learn about possible forms of match for mobility management programs, including grant writing approaches and support for non-federal funding streams. We also discuss how to create effective engagement plans for stakeholders and the public to receive valuable feedback on the mobility management program.

Workshop outcomes include:
Guidance on designing policies and procedures for your mobility management program.
How to create (and report out on) effective performance measures.
What to include in a successful toolkit for mobility management.
Designing an effective engagement plan for mobility management efforts.
Learning about forms for match funding as well as grants for mobility management.
Public Transit-Human Service Coordination
Federal transit law requires that projects funded under the Enhanced Mobility for Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310) Program are part of a coordinated public transit-human services plan locally developed and approved through a process that includes participation by older adults, individuals with disabilities, and stakeholders, including representatives of public, private, and nonprofit service providers. But how does a region put together a GOOD coordinated plan as opposed to simply “checking the boxes”? What resources are needed to complete a coordinated plan? This workshop highlights the history behind coordinated planning, the purpose of coordinated plans, and national best practices in coordinated planning.

Attendees learn:
How to write an appropriate RFP for coordinated planning services.
What makes a good coordinated plan.
How to leverage a coordinated plan to receive more transit funding in the region.
What elements should be included in coordinated plans and how to go the extra mile.
How to design a customized coordinated plan for your region.
How to Design an Effective
Public Transit-Human Service Plan RFP
Your agency has put together an RFP for your region’s coordinated plan 5-year update. You’ve included the boilerplate, incorporated the mandatory elements, and assigned a budget. The time comes to “drop” the RFP, and after the close window, you’ve received very few responses, and sometimes no response at all. What gives? What needs to be changed? Why did I receive so few responses? Now you must re-release your RFP, adding time to an already tight schedule. This workshop is designed to help agencies, planners, and procurement departments understand how to put together a successful RFP that will receive quality responses.

The workshop helps participants understand:
What elements to include in a successful Coordinated Plan RFP.
How to accurately assign funding amounts to each task to build a complete budget.
What consultants will look for when reviewing your proposal to determine whether they pursue.
Understanding appropriate timelines for various coordinated plan projects.
The best way to incorporate “bonus” tasks into your RFP.